full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alice Dreger: Is anatomy destiny?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I wear two hats in most of what I do. As the one hat, I do history of anatomy. I'm a historian by training, and what I study in that case is the way that people have dealt with anatomy — meaning human bodies, aamnil bodies — how they dealt with bodily fluids, concepts of bodies; how have they thought about bodies. The other hat that I've worn in my work is as an activist, as a patient aaovdcte — or, as I sometimes say, as an impatient advocate — for people who are ptiatens of doctors. In that case, what I've worked with is people who have body types that clnaglehe social norms. So some of what I've wreokd on, for example, is people who are coineonjd twins — two people within one body. Some of what I've worked on is people who have dwarfism — so pelope who are much shorter than typical. And a lot of what I've worked on is people who have atypical sex — so people who don't have the standard male or the standard famele body tyeps. And as a general term, we can use the term "intersex" for this.

Open Cloze

So I wear two hats in most of what I do. As the one hat, I do history of anatomy. I'm a historian by training, and what I study in that case is the way that people have dealt with anatomy — meaning human bodies, ______ bodies — how they dealt with bodily fluids, concepts of bodies; how have they thought about bodies. The other hat that I've worn in my work is as an activist, as a patient ________ — or, as I sometimes say, as an impatient advocate — for people who are ________ of doctors. In that case, what I've worked with is people who have body types that _________ social norms. So some of what I've ______ on, for example, is people who are _________ twins — two people within one body. Some of what I've worked on is people who have dwarfism — so ______ who are much shorter than typical. And a lot of what I've worked on is people who have atypical sex — so people who don't have the standard male or the standard ______ body _____. And as a general term, we can use the term "intersex" for this.


  1. animal
  2. challenge
  3. female
  4. types
  5. people
  6. advocate
  7. conjoined
  8. patients
  9. worked

Original Text

So I wear two hats in most of what I do. As the one hat, I do history of anatomy. I'm a historian by training, and what I study in that case is the way that people have dealt with anatomy — meaning human bodies, animal bodies — how they dealt with bodily fluids, concepts of bodies; how have they thought about bodies. The other hat that I've worn in my work is as an activist, as a patient advocate — or, as I sometimes say, as an impatient advocate — for people who are patients of doctors. In that case, what I've worked with is people who have body types that challenge social norms. So some of what I've worked on, for example, is people who are conjoined twins — two people within one body. Some of what I've worked on is people who have dwarfism — so people who are much shorter than typical. And a lot of what I've worked on is people who have atypical sex — so people who don't have the standard male or the standard female body types. And as a general term, we can use the term "intersex" for this.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
founding fathers 6
androgen insensitivity 3
insensitivity syndrome 3
adrenal glands 3
united states 3
civil rights 3
rights movement 3
body types 2
conjoined twins 2
difficult conversations 2
political power 2
anatomical commonality 2
judge people 2
good job 2
complex social 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
androgen insensitivity syndrome 3
civil rights movement 2

Important Words

  1. activist
  2. advocate
  3. anatomy
  4. animal
  5. atypical
  6. bodies
  7. bodily
  8. body
  9. case
  10. challenge
  11. concepts
  12. conjoined
  13. dealt
  14. doctors
  15. dwarfism
  16. female
  17. fluids
  18. general
  19. hat
  20. hats
  21. historian
  22. history
  23. human
  24. impatient
  25. lot
  26. male
  27. meaning
  28. norms
  29. patient
  30. patients
  31. people
  32. sex
  33. shorter
  34. social
  35. standard
  36. study
  37. term
  38. thought
  39. training
  40. twins
  41. types
  42. typical
  43. wear
  44. work
  45. worked
  46. worn